Sunday, July 13, 2014

Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

All my film friends graduated and I got excited to graduate, too.
Graduation plans were made.
Then I came to London and made new friends.
And now I am sad.
Except I can't possibly be sad because my new friends are the funnest.
Life is amazing. totally just stealing these pictures from others on Facebook.

And...I could incorporate them into the posts where I talk about the things happening in the photos, but I'm too lazy and that sounds hard.

So here they are!

The game is on! Baker Street
Neeko (Watson), Me (Adler), Baker Street Guy, Collin (Holmes), Thomas (Dead?)

Hangin' in capes at Hampton Court
Melissa, Neeko, Alexis, Me (I picked the cool short one and got made fun of by Hunter)

Hampton Court: Looking wistfully out of my palace window into my gardens

Funtimes at the Museum of Childhood with the roomies!
Alexis, Me, Amanda

Can you spot the 6 differences in the two photos?
Malori, Me, Amanda

Playing in the sand at the Museum of Childhood
Alexis, Me

Also! I want to talk about something I keep thinking about while I'm here. My point is probably best made in the telling of my experience at Westminster Abbey.

Being in London is an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I'm thrilled to be a part of and that I will cherish forever. I've been trying my hardest to soak it all in and remind myself constantly about how lucky I am to be here and how great this place is.

It's like this:

I was sitting in Westminster Abbey listening to evensong and I was sleepy. But I tried extra hard to stay awake and pay attention, because they were talking about God.

I couldn't help but remember earlier that day, when I was sitting in Relief Society...looking at Pinterest on my phone. Were they not also talking about God?

I'm trying to make the most of my trip to London, and I'm certainly not regretting that, but it's been sort of an eye-opening experience. Which is something I expected, just not in this way.

I've realized that I forget to appreciate the things I already had around me.

There are things in London that I could not experience anywhere else, and I'm so, so grateful for that, but I forget about the things at home that could be just as special and important.

I'm still trying my hardest to soak it all in and appreciate the opportunity. I'm just grateful for the chance to do the same thing when I get home.

Life is amazing.

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